
weʔ ʔayəm kʷs niʔct ʔiməx Plant walk.

(We walk slowly Plant walk)
1-2 hours

Deanna will begin the session by introducing herself in her ancestral language and speak to land stewardship and our responsibility to “walk slowly” on this land.  She will then lead a plant walk in a local park, or around the neighborhood, highlighting the local native, medicinal and edible plants that are found in the area. (seasonal: approximately April through September)


Tea making.

1-1.5 hours

Deanna will speak about the plants used to create a blend of tea; and highlight their benefits and native/medicinal properties.  The participants take home a small bag of the tea blended during the workshop.


Salve making.

up to 2 hours

We will discuss the benefits of different native and medicinal plants, the different ways in which we can prepare them, then prepare a medicinal salve to take home (using pre-infused oil).


Medicine roller.

1-1.5 hours

Using pre-infused medicinal oils and essential oils, each participant will create their own blend to fill a 10ml roller ball.  We will discuss the plants used to create the infused oils, and their benefits. 

Bath Soak.

1-1.5 hours

Participants will create their own tub of custom blended bath soak using epsom and sea salts, skin nourishing oil, a selection of dried plant medicine and essential oils.  Each plant offering will be discussed and the benefits and uses of the plants will be highlighted. 

Milky bath bombs.

1-1.5 hours

This is a hybrid of a demo and hands on workshop.  Milky bath bombs are mixed as the demo, then the participants will choose dried plant medicine to create a custom blend to roll their bath bombs in.  Participants will take home 3 milky bath bombs in an adorable take-home box. 


4 sacred medicines soap making.

1-1.5 hours

Using a convenient melt and pour soap base, participants will create their own bar of soap adding a custom blend of the 4 sacred medicines used across Turtle Island. Further customize your soap bar with provided mica color and essential oils. We will also talk about the importance and uses of the 4 sacred medicines. There is an option (for added cost) to have a traditional welcome and song and opportunity to smudge along with the teachings of the medicines.  


Plant knowledge.

+45 minutes

Each workshop can begin with a visual (PowerPoint) presentation on Plant knowledge, practices and preparations, if time and space allow. This option is an add-on to the other workshops and comes with an additional fee.


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